
















  • Elimination of chrysanthemum chlorotic mottle viroid (CChMVd) recently detected in Japan by leaf-primordia free shoot apical meristem culture from infected cultivars
    J. Japan. Soc. Hort. Sci. 74: 386-391. 2005.

  • A pseudoembryo highly stainable with toluidine blue O may induce fruit growth of parthenocarpic tomato.
    Acta Hort. 637: 213-221. 2004.
  • Auxins increase the occurrence of leaf-colour variants in Caladium regenerated from leaf explants.
    Sci. Hortic. 100: 153-159. 2004.
  • Chrysanthemum stunt viroid disturbs the photoperiodic response for flowering of chrysanthemum plants.
    Planta 220: 64-70. 2004.
  • Development of a micropropagation system for Caladium using a medium with disinfectant.
    Bulletin Exp. Farm, Kyoto University 13: 1-9. 2004.
  • Elimination of chrysanthemum stunt viroid from an infected chrysanthemum cultivar by shoot regeneration from a leaf primordia-free shoot apical meristem dome attached to a root tip.
    Plant Cell Rep. 22: 859-863. 2004.
  • Leaf color stability during plant development as an index of leaf color variation among micropropagated Caladium.
    HortScience 39: 328-332. 2004.
  • Rescue of shoot apical meristems of chrysanthemum by culturing on root tips.
    Plant Cell Rep. 22: 443-448. 2004.
  • 強い単為結果性を持つ良食味トマト品種の茎頂分裂組織からの植物体再生法の確立.
    日本味と匂学会誌 11: 61-68. 2004.
  • 強単為結果性トマト品種の栄養繁殖体系の確立.
    農業および園芸 79: 666-671. 2004.
  • Fruit growth and pseudoembryo development affected by uniconazole, an inhibitor of gibberellin biosynthesis, in pat-2 and auxin-induced parthenocarpic tomato fruits.
    Sci. Hortic. 98: 9-16. 2003.
  • Response of tomato genotypes to induced salt stress.
    Afr. Crop Sci. J. 11: 133-142. 2003.
  • TRPV1 activiation and induction of nociceptive response by a non-pungent capsaicin-like compound, capsiate.
    Neuropharmacol. 44: 958-967. 2003.
  • Up-regulation of uncoupling proteins (UCPs) by oral administration of capsiate, a non-pungent capsaicin analog.
    J. Appl. Physiol. 95: 2408-2415. 2003.
  • Wounding enhances rapid-browning responsiveness of distal unwounded leaves to water stimulus in Ruellia macrantha.
    J. Japan. Soc. Hort. Sci. 72: 286-291. 2003.
  • 根域の薄膜化による軽量セル育苗法の開発-発芽実生根のシートへの着生法-
    園学研. 2: 165-170. 2003.
  • 梁修静・林孝洋・細川宗孝・矢澤進
    生物環境調節 41: 265-270. 2003.

  • A new stable and available cytoplasmic male sterile line of Capsicum.
    Capsicum and Eggplant Newsletter. 21: 52-55. 2002.
  • Leaf browning induced at sites distant from wounds in Acanthaceae and Gesneriaceae p1ants.
    J. Japan. Soc. Hort. Sci. 71: 535-537. 2002.
  • Leaf coloration in Caladium cultivars during plant growth and development.
    Bulletin Exp. Farm, Kyoto University 11: 1-9. 2002.
  • Lower incidence of variants in Caladium bicolor Ait. plants propagated by culture of explants from younger tissue.
    Sci. Hortic. 96: 187-194. 2002.
  • アレンジメント用切り花生産を前提としたシュッコンカスミソウの栽植密度.
    園学研. 1: 187-190. 2002.

  • Administration of capsiate, a non-pungent cupsaicin analog, promotes energy metabolism and suppresses body fat accumulation In mice.
    Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 65: 2735-2740. 2001.
  • Antioxidant capacity is correlated with susceptibility to leaf spot caused by a rapid temperature drop in Saintpaulia (African violet).
    Sci. Hortic. 88: 59-69. 2001.
  • CH-19 sweet, a non-pungent cultivar of red pepper, increased body temperature and oxygen consumption in humans.
    Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 65: 2033-2036. 2001.
  • CH-19 sweet, nonpungent cultivar of red pepper,. increased body temperature in mice with vanilloid receptors stimulation by capsiate.
    J. Nutrition. Sci. and Vitamin. 47: 295-298. 2001.
  • Ethephon influences flowering, height, and branching of several herbaceous perennials.
    Sci. Hortic. 91: 305-323. 2001.
  • Leaf Injury induced by temperature drop shock in Gesneriaceae and Acanthaceae plants.
    Korean J. Hort. Sci. & Tech. 19: 153-158. 2001.
  • The variation and the heredity stability on leaf character of plantlets regenerated from micropropagation in caladiums.
    J. Chinese Soc. Hort. Sci. 47: 59-67. 2001.
  • スイートピーの開花期における光合成産物の分配.
    園学雑. 70: 102-107. 2001.
  • トウガラシを見つめ直し,その新しい展開を探る.
    FOOD Style 21 5巻: 58-61. 2001.

  • Double-stranded RNA in vigorous-growing lateral shoots emerged from pepper plants infected with cucumber mozaic virus (CMV).
    Capsicum and Eggplant Newsletter 19: 51-55. 2000.
  • Forcing perennials-Florel.
    Greenhouse Grower: 88-96. 2000.

  • New capsinoid (capsiate-like substance), nordihydro capsiate, from the fruit of nonpungent pepper, Capsicum annuum L. cv. CH-19 Sweet.
    J. Nat. Products 62: 40-42. 1999.
  • Nordihydrocapsiate, a new capsinoid from the fruits of nonpungent pepper, Capsicum annuum.
    J. Nat. Products 62: 335-336. 1999.
  • Water saturation deficit, stomatal resistance and transpiration rate of leaves of pepper (Caρsicum annuum L.) in response to drought stress.
    J. Kor. Soc. Hort. Sci. 40: 153-157. 1999.

  • 大城閑・細川宗孝・矢澤進
    化学と生物 36: 512-522. 1998.